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No, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership is supposed to bring long-term results.
by Joerg in Berlin ((joerg.wolf [AT] atlanticreview.org)) on Thu Sep 14th, 2006 at 09:46:58 AM EST
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A lot of things that Europe is doing are supposed to bring long-term results and proceed at glacial speed and without generating headlines, which is not to the liking of liberal hawk, neo-con, or interventionist politicians and pundits.

Your question about what the Euromed has done, is doing, and what can be done to strengthen it is a good one. I have acknowledged it. I have pointed out where to find out more. I have said I don't know more. OK?

Those whom the Gods wish to destroy They first make mad. — Euripides

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Thu Sep 14th, 2006 at 09:53:05 AM EST
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