Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
besides that :

  • he is very well respected : people use to say that "the only thing wrong with Bayrou is his big ears"

  • he has a humble background "standing with both feet on the soil" like the small peasant community he comes from, to the difference from the two other main candidates coming from privileged classes.

  • he wants to gather all "good men" (from different political horizons) to work out the countries problems. Which means he could appoint a guy like Strauss-Kahn as prime minister despite the fact that he is socialist.

  • he wants a 6th constitution, more on a parliamentary model, which France badly needs

  • he is into it because he does believe he can make a difference, not for the sole exercise of power, which is the main driving force for both Ségo and Sarko.

Politically he is a Christian (secular) Democrat. Which means that he'll work to keep a balance between the market's and the social needs, without falling into neoliberalism or state dirigism (Sego has no real program of her own, if elected France will go back to Jospinism)...

His main problem is that for ideological reasons (split between conservatism and an out of tune left)  and the election system in itself, it's very difficult to break through...

but not impossible

by oldfrog on Wed Jan 10th, 2007 at 09:55:22 AM EST
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