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Dear de Gondi,
I do not seek to separate them - they are already bound together for ever :)
I agree with almost all your reasoning for Guzzanti's purposes + offer here additional:
  • Guzzanti is in deep political mess because of Scaramella (not me) and their joint conspiracy - and I told him about it during our meeting in my town in France on Jan07;
  • maybe it was not wise from my side, but during this meeting I told Guzzanti about several more frauds made by Scaramella, for example with "Trofimov-against-Prodi" dossier - and warned him not insist on its reliability, because it's obvious fake and I can prove it (partially reflected in my latest quotations in LaRep);
  • I also confirmed to Guzzanti that it was me who organized for Bonini his devastating interview with Gordievsky - and assured him Gordievsky pronounced all those words on Mario...
So i tried to play fair game with Guzzanti - and appeared trapped into next provocation, now with Gordievsky as main accuser on me :)
REF: targeting by KGB: I've never alleged it personally, just provided info from my Russia based sources (quite competent in this sphere, by the way) - and estimated it could appear real...
I will write much more about all that in my blog.

by Limarev Evgueni on Thu Feb 1st, 2007 at 09:07:54 PM EST
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