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that we practically all agree that the current system is unsustainable and that a main hump is approaching rapidly which will force "us" (as in the privileged west) into a different lifestyle. Which makes rg's questions all the more prudent - what is also a returning theme at this forum: at what level can we preserve the modern lifestyle incorporated by equally fair and sustainable methods?

I favour the approach of smart and sexy solutions with the corporation of certain western commodities and privileges. Clean water, a warm house, a hot shower with the push of a button - why should we not be trying to preserve those at first? Once we fail to do that, perhaps DeAnander's return-to-innocence scenario might play out. But I'm unwilling to move straigh there as long as there is the chance to opt for the first scenario.

Mmm. Well, in so many words, I agree with your main point:

I want to adjust to climate change in a way that preserves as much as possible of that way of life while allowing the rest of the world to reach that level.

by Nomad (Bjinse) on Sat Jan 6th, 2007 at 07:27:22 PM EST
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