Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
RG, there are useful descriptions under my wiki links. But one of the points I was trying, but obviously failed to make, was that there are few neat compartments in the functions of the brain that can be labelled.

Until you are brain dead - all brains 'work'. Even an alcoholic's brain work's, though it may be devoted to finding the next drink, and to the virtual exclusion of all other social behaviour.

What I am saying is that the genetic gift you get when you are conceived is a whole complex of specialized factories for the production of biochemical modifiers. And it should not be surprising that the rates of production differ in different people. It seems though that one could define upper and lower limits for production within which people 'seem' to be normal. But outside these limits people appear (to others) abnormal.

We can medically intervene in some of these 'imbalances' and we can also self-administer to affect the balance. As we both know. However we are a long way from really understanding how blockers and inhibitors and all the rest really work. In the meantime we have these crude labels which you rightly question.

The mindblowing drug flood that puberty releases or that passionate love releases (or is caused by) would be considered catastrophic system failure if it were not for the side effects ;-)

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Tue Nov 27th, 2007 at 08:23:26 AM EST
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