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I think this is simple enough:

For very few copies a service such as Lulu is quick and easy.

Example: I am in the process of producing an "ET Christmas Present" to myself.  (It seems to be coming in around 25,000 words, and then there are lots of pics.)  Once I have it ready (and once/if I get permission from the writer to publish), then I will buy the writer a copy, buy one for myself, sort of a "Here's a piece of ET to remind me for when the web (or ET) has moved on".

So, that's two copies.  I'll tell people about it here, maybe that generates two more copies.

But...if there are X people (and what is X?) interested, then I would contact people such as Cambridge Publishing (or A.N. Other as recommended by anyone here) to see what rates I could get for larger print runs.

This proposed book is built from ET content.  I would expect to publish it via MMM LLP (whatever that might mean or entail--I'll give a copy of the book to Paul, I doubt he read the original articles, so that's three copies ;)  The marketing is a problem or an opportunity for any person or people who wish to see the book more widely distributed, or just get a copy for themselves.

Well, that's my take anyway.

For proposed publication runs in the thousands, then yes you will need some form of marketing team to identify and then adevertise the product a thousand (or say 500 for break even?) potential buyers.

Don't fight forces, use them R. Buckminster Fuller.

by rg (leopold dot lepster at google mail dot com) on Wed Nov 28th, 2007 at 09:27:43 AM EST
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