Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Im trying to figure out why you would cite a poll says the exact opposite of your premise. And then why I point it out, you state it is flawed.

Anyway, I dont think Spanish changing their minds about feeling "european" is impossible, or hopeless. I am saying you have an uphill battle.  It didnt happen overnight in the U.S. Many states used to have border wars before the revolution.  Of course, there was the civil war, when half the country wanted to be their own country.  The trend lately has been for countries to split up-Soviet Union, Kosovo-Serbia etc, for ethnicity reasons.  Europe is trying to do the opposite of that trend.  

Right now, the EU government is secondary to the member states. BUt I have the feeling that many here would prefer the opposite.  I am not sure most european citizens are ready for that given the statistics you cite.


by Terry (Terry@pollackzuckerman.com) on Sun Dec 16th, 2007 at 11:42:57 AM EST
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