Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Corporations are taxed and regulated by the government, are they not?

But there are also unions, enviromental groups, the Sierra Club, the ACLU, Women's groups and a host of other leftist groups that also attempt to buy influence and do. This doesnt go on in Europe? Come on.

Communists and Socialists have the right to free speech and often use it in the U.S.  Most socialists actually hide within the Democratic Party because most americans dont like socialism.  Socialism likes to hide its agenda under other agendas because socialists here cannot convince the electorate otherwise.

Those who dont participate in the US political system tend to support the way its going. Massive turnout happens when the electorate is very upset with the current state of affairs.

As to corporations, why are corporations so evil?  Corporations employ people and provide goods and services. In fact, I believe one employs you Frank.  If it wasnt for corporations, you probably wouldnt have a computer to type on.  Corporations dont take anything from anyone. They offer a good or a service that people buy voluntarily.  Socialists tend to be people who really cant produce anything on their own.  Thus, they advance themselves by taking the means of production into their own hands (by force) so that THEY can be in control.  


by Terry (Terry@pollackzuckerman.com) on Mon Dec 17th, 2007 at 11:38:04 AM EST
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