Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
If you gave everyone the same amount of money. Certain people would always end up with more in the end.  That is because certain people have skills that are more valuable than others.  Others, may prefer to work less but have more free time.  Some people have frugal needs, others more lavish.  Different people have different values.  

What way do you propose that better allocates resources?  Socialism? Pure socialism exists on the kibbutz.  These systems have failed because they ignore human nature.  Some people work hard, others dont. Yet, everyone gets the same earnings.  It's known as the freeloader or freerider effect. At some point,the hard workers get fed up and leave. That's exactly what's been happening in Israel.


by Terry (Terry@pollackzuckerman.com) on Mon Dec 17th, 2007 at 02:21:55 PM EST
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