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Oh yeahhhh!!! what a nice pic.. that is a ohhh  lady my man.. wow those beatiful wow oh wow colouuuursss...

It's sexy.. isn't it?.. worthy diary even with this pic alone

oh and glad you joined the minority which understands that getting closer or farther away from the sun has nothing to do with summer or winter.... a minority despite the fact that most people know that right now it is summer in the south and winter in the north..

Oh.. yeah.. I forgot this example is the classic about how to show that there is no problem in holding to completely contradictory positions as long as they belong to completely different narratives....


Happy roman days.. or roman sun party.. or however this stuff about the shroter days of the year in the north are called now.. soemthing about Cristies or was it frisquies?

A pleasure

I therefore claim to show, not how men think in myths, but how myths operate in men's minds without their being aware of the fact. Levi-Strauss, Claude

by kcurie on Wed Dec 19th, 2007 at 01:49:21 PM EST

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