Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Yes, the objective and subjective modes need to be better integrated.

All explanations are akin to 'Art' because they are finite constructs which aim at shedding some light onto what is beyond them. Even our best scientific theories are artistic renditions as they address some aspects of reality while leaving others out.

In the classical Indian scheme, there are 6 complementary views... none of which paints the whole picture... these views are called:

Nyaya: Sets forth the rules and limits of thought/logic/language
Vaisheshika: Analysis (an ancient atomic theory is part of this approach)
Samkhya: An atheistic, dualistic approach which posits an essential difference between matter and mind
Yoga: Gnosis
Mimamsa: A theistic approach
Vedanta: Posits an essential non-duality

These are considered complementary approaches. Nyaya-Vaisheshika are together fairly close to the modern scientific method. In India, these different approaches do not vie for ultimate supremacy. This fight between 'science' and 'religion' is a Western, not a universal feature.

by sandalwood on Fri Jan 4th, 2008 at 12:10:53 PM EST
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Excellent.  Welcome to ET, sandalwood.

Our knowledge has surpassed our wisdom. -Charu Saxena.
by metavision on Sun Jan 6th, 2008 at 12:55:47 PM EST
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Thank you Metavision... a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
by sandalwood on Sun Jan 6th, 2008 at 02:29:16 PM EST
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