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It is all story-telling.

I think there's very little point trying to teach most people to do science, because many of them either can't do it, aren't interested, or both.

But story-telling is hugely influential. A narrative that resonates is a very powerful force for change.

This confuses hard-core scientific types, because narrative thinking is pre-rational. It doesn't make sense in rational terms.

But it does make sense in social terms - especially in terms of values, status, aims, and relationships. And if you want to reach the majority of the population, stories have to be pitched at that level using the kinds of concepts and narrative lines that make people feel a part of the story.

Unfortunately much of the population still seems to see rationality as a a slightly frightening skill which they don't entirely understand and which makes them feel uncomfortable.

They can offer opinions, but they won't be deeply thought out opinions, they'll often be quoted verbatim from 'authorities' (qv the media) and they'll have a pre-rational value basis.

But give them a good story and make them feel they're at least as important to it as you are, and they'll be with you instantly.

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Mon Dec 31st, 2007 at 02:11:59 PM EST
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