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Europeans Press Wolfowitz to Quit as Bank Chief - New York Times

WASHINGTON, May 10 -- European leaders have told the Bush administration that Paul D. Wolfowitz must resign as president of the World Bank in order to avoid a vote next week by the bank's board declaring that he no longer has its confidence to function as the bank's leader, European officials said Thursday.

The officials said the board was drafting a resolution reflecting its view that the relationship between Mr. Wolfowitz and the governing body of the bank had "broken beyond repair." They noted that, if he remained in office, some European countries were planning to reduce contributions to the World Bank that would aid poor countries and instead would channel the money to European agencies and other groups for distribution.

"The administration has been told that its battle to save Wolfowitz cannot be won," said a European official, who like others who discussed the matter spoke on the condition of anonymity because the matter is confidential. "His relationship with the board is not only damaged. It is broken."

by Fran on Fri May 11th, 2007 at 12:57:58 AM EST
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