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I think the main difference between Western democracy and Indian is panchayat system where people chose few persons to rule small area and who elect next level functionaries. This is how party machines work too. Politicians of course come from different background, family connections and money play role but not always. India witnessed low-cast revolution in 1980-1990's and many new leaders with humble background come to fold. Why? Because they are election genies who can quickly communicate with diversed and divided electorate. People of course make they mind differently, sometimes somewhere goondas (local bandits) try to influence people preferences. In 2000's Election Commission of India has made tremendous work to ensure fair and transparent elections preventing any rigging. So mostly people decide themselves, often voting tactically to dislodge unpopular government.
by FarEasterner on Fri May 11th, 2007 at 10:58:26 AM EST
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