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What is the next level uf administration up from the Panchayat?

By the way, I have suggested earlier (without knowing much in detail about either) that Switzerland and India should be studied as models of organisation to suggest ways in which the EU can better organise itself in the future. I would therefore greatly appreciate it if you could write a diary about the sociopolitical organisation of India (as far as it's possible to generalise local organisation across states), and how one gets from the Panchayat to the Federal level

Bush is a symptom, not the disease.

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Fri May 11th, 2007 at 11:09:53 AM EST
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They have many names you won't find in Wikipedia. By the way I have strong desire to rewrite a lot of Wiki's Indian history articles if I have time. But given my schedule I don't know when.
Generally it's just next groupings - cluster of villages, subdistricts, districts (talukas) and so on.
And of course I forget to say you - how people find information  about political parties and their programs - by word mouth, from political activists (party workers), sympathisers and of course press though biased information anyway sifted through lively discussions. It was always amazing to see how Indians are socially active comparing to Russia where civil society is simply in defunct state. When I was working as a social science researcher I started with gathering information through questionnairs and interaction with people. I met maybe thousands people and found how they feel lonely and eagerly telling about their worries to anybody who would listen to them. Long time nobody wanted to listen. And they resigned to their plight. Here everything is different and I believe Indian experience with democracy is exemplary and given rise of Asian giants in futute would be more attention to what is going on here.
by FarEasterner on Fri May 11th, 2007 at 12:32:24 PM EST
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