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"These are lean times for the War Party. Their glorious "victories" have turned to dust. Their lies are the subject of front-page coverage and grand jury indictments. Their mission, far from being "accomplished," is further from success than ever, and the administration is in full retreat. Forced to negotiate with the Iranians over Tehran's nascent nuclear program, the full-bore neocon militarism once dominant in D.C. has been replaced by the centrist sensibility of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, whose influence is largely credited with the new moderation. Dick Cheney and his cronies are on the outs.
...the American military is being chewed up on the ground in Iraq. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), generally understood to be speaking for a significant group of senior U.S. military officers, avers: "The future of our military is at risk if the U.S. stays in Iraq much longer."
... the neocons, who foretold showers of rose petals flung in the path of U.S. troops and hailed the advent of a new era of capital-D Democracy for the Middle East, were dead wrong. As Pat Buchanan put it back in the summer of '03:
"The salad days of the neoconservatives, which began with the president's Axis-of-Evil address in January 2002 and lasted until the fall of Baghdad may be coming to an end. Indeed, it is likely the neoconservatives will never again enjoy the celebrity and cachet in which they reveled in their romp to war on Iraq."
Richard Perle and his friends can write all the op-eds for the Washington Post they want, but it'll be a cold day in Hell before anyone in this administration takes heed of their counsels.
... From now on, however, they'll be running from their record of inciting the worst strategic disaster in American military history - a reputation that, rather than fade with the years, will only become more vivid and closely associated with the neoconservative creed."
CF: "Neocon Mea Culpas
Posted on Feb 20, 2006
"Francis Fukuyama, one of the leading neocon intellectuals who argued the case for the Iraq war, admits in a blockbuster N.Y. Times Magazine essay that it is "very hard to see how [the removal of Saddam Hussein, and a few spillover benefits] justify the blood and treasure that the United States has spent." Andrew Sullivan, another leading pro-war conservative, echoes Fukuyama's comment and points out three areas where neocons were tragically wrong..."
This kind of opinion piece in the WSJ can be seen as hysterical bluster by desperate men.
Anyway, the ed pages of the WSJ have been described as a "comic strip" by Chomsky, but, since he doesn't see things in black and white terms, he acknowledges that in its actual reporting, as with the FT, one can often find good stuff, because the elite do need to know what is really going on:
"... those in decision-making positions in the economic, political, and ideological domains have to have a tolerably realistic picture of the world. The editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal may be mostly a comic strip, but the news pages are often excellent, and some of the best reporting in the world can be found in the London Financial Times and other business journals."
And the reports show that the war is a disaster and the neocons were wrong, as Sullivan puts it: "We got cocky. We should have known better."
Many in the elite now do know better and won't take this sort of idiocy seriously. Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner - that I moved to Nice.
Did anyone comment on or even notice Ryan Crocker's recent talks with the Iranians?
From AP
"Despite the tensions, the U.S. and Iran held landmark talks in Baghdad earlier this week. Though the ambassador-level meeting was limited to Iraq's security, it was the first formal talks between the two countries since the U.S. broke diplomatic relations with Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran."
I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell. _ Blood Sweat & Tears
"The accusation--the only line of critique--is that Paul [Krugman]"only sees what's wrong with the other side, in fairly crude terms," or--in shorthand--is "shrill."
God alone knows why they thought this line of attack would do anything other than shred their own reputations. God knows why others took up this line of attack. But take off it did, both as a narrowly-focused attempt to degrade the reputation of Paul Krugman, and as a broader attempt to marginalize all who pointed out that the policies of the Bush administration were (a) stupid, and (b) justified by lies, and it took off both among the yahoos of the right and also among the denizens of the center-left.
"...given that criticisms of George W. Bush and the malevolence, mendacity, incompetence and disconnection from reality of him and his administration are--no matter how sound their analytics or how true their factual claims--going to be dismissed by many as impolite and "shrill," why not have some fun with and embrace the term?
And so the idea was off and running...
Faisal grabbed the website, after emailing "must. resist. temptation. to set up. group weblog" and being answered "Why is this temptation to be resisted? ... And the ranks of the shrill are now... impressive indeed. Even the truly cowardly are now shrill. Only the bought-and-paid-for have not joined the ranks of the highly critical who have been driven into shrill unholy madness by the mendacity, malevolence, incompetence, and disconnection from reality of George W. Bush and his administration.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Krugman R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn!
[1] And, of course, it was only a month later that Cohen became what he had sneered at:
I do not write the headlines for my columns. Someone else does. But if I were to write the headline for this one, it would be "Impeach George Bush."... Not since the Spanish-American War has the United States gone off to war so casually, so half-cocked and so ineptly.... Yet from Bush comes not a bleep of regret, not to mention apology. It is all "steady as she goes" -- although we have lost our bearings and we no longer know our destination. (Don't tell me it's a democratic Middle East.) If the man were commanding a ship, he would be relieved of command. If he were the CEO of some big company, the board would offer him a golden parachute -- and force him to jump...
And from shrillblog itself:
"Chris Matthews Is Shrill!
Don't be worried. Some viewers were shocked when you changed shape before their eyes and grabbed the Bush-defending guests with your suckers and rent them into shreds and gobbets with your parrot-like beak. But ratings are up:
Crooks and Liars » Matthews Gets Fired Up: On yesterday's "Hardball" Chris Matthews was in rare form and fired up about Iraq, Immigration and fact-free Republican Presidential candidates. During his interview with Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) he slams President Bush for his Iraq rhetoric and playing the terror card when it suits him, but his main target was Republican Presidential candidate, Rudy Giuliani. Matthews questions why Giuliani has been allowed to spout off the wall , fact-free talking points and nobody has stepped up to challenge him. I think this quote to Biden after watching a clip of Giuliani says it all: Matthews: "Absolute B.S., Senator. Absolute B.S."
Posted by brad on 5/27/2007 Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner - that I moved to Nice.
It's sort of a duh, isn't it, that everyone in the Left Blogosphere denounces and ridicules them. But Joe and Mary SixPack don't know that. When they see an article like this, they think, "Hey, this guy was just on MSNBC, CNN or PBS -- he can't be that big an idiot."
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