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Crazy old men. Someone take away that damn table already.

It doesn't even need to be said that this is all quite, quite Kubrick/Strangelove mad.

Let's say Iran gets the bomb. Then what? Does anyone really believe it's going to start lobbing nukes at Tel Aviv or London, just because it can?

Given the retaliation, what would be the point?

Meanwhile Musharraf's tottery regime which already has nukes is edging closer and closer to imploding. If anyone's going to nuke Tel Aviv it's not going to be Tehran.

A cynic might think this is really about systematically eliminating or enclosing oil non-vassal states with significant oil reserves. But I'm sure that can't possibly be the real reason for the rhetoric.

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Wed May 30th, 2007 at 10:14:42 AM EST

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