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I don't understand, 25-29 cohort has the same employment rate in FR than in UK.

Of course this is one of the cohort were the UK unemployed to inactive machine works its magic at full power.

For 19-24, you need part-time / hours worked and in school statistics to say anything more.

UK 40% of 15-19 that works is totally at odd with the french stated objective of 80% of people reaching baccalaureat at 18.

A political choice of course.

by Laurent GUERBY on Fri Jun 1st, 2007 at 03:33:43 PM EST
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I must not be reading the same charts.

I see 79% or so for that cohort in UK, 75% for France. Unemployment - 5% in UK, 13% in France, an eight point difference, offset by roughly half via inactive differential.

Agreed on the in school statistics for 19-24, and my unesco figures are only obliquely addressing this.

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Fri Jun 1st, 2007 at 03:40:09 PM EST
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Unemployment means nothing, just forget about it :)

Employment level is quite close, and don't forget that part time is circa 25% in the UK vs 17% in France  (43% vs 31 for women).


The UK and France situation are very similar except than France went for the 35 hours work-week and UK for the 20 hours work-week :).

by Laurent GUERBY on Fri Jun 1st, 2007 at 06:03:56 PM EST
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