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Why is the Guardian putting a pro-Sarkozy headline? This is not a "big" victory in any sense. Sure, it's a victory. But a big one?

In the long run, we're all dead. John Maynard Keynes
by Jerome a Paris (etg@eurotrib.com) on Mon Jun 18th, 2007 at 01:44:17 AM EST
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Because Guardian = Labour = New Labour = Blair = Right Wing.

Can the last politician to go out the revolving door please turn the lights off?
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Mon Jun 18th, 2007 at 04:36:00 AM EST
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Le Monde website

FT paper version of the European edition (the vote is at the bottom of the first column in the UK edition)

And this in the WSJ:

Sarkozy's Bittersweet Win French Voters Hand UMP Muted Victory As Discord Emerges

PARIS -- A victory by French President Nicolas Sarkozy's party in parliamentary elections yesterday was overshadowed by signs of discord within his cabinet and the resignation of the government's second in command.

Mr. Sarkozy will have a supportive assembly for the next five years to back his goals to revive the French economy and reposition France as a central player in European affairs.

But the president's center-right UMP party won far less than the landslide majority pollsters had predicted, marking his first political setback since being elected last month. And, Alain Juppé a former prime minister and a senior minister in Mr. Sarkozy's cabinet, said he will step down as environment minister after he was defeated in the legislative vote.

In the long run, we're all dead. John Maynard Keynes
by Jerome a Paris (etg@eurotrib.com) on Mon Jun 18th, 2007 at 06:53:31 AM EST
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I'm going to have to calculate the power index of the various proposals for vote weighing in the Council, just to shut up the Poles and their "Penrose square root rule".

Can the last politician to go out the revolving door please turn the lights off?
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Mon Jun 18th, 2007 at 04:44:07 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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