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Koirala tries to save Nepal monarchy.
Five days after the amendment in the interim constitution that authorises Nepal's Interim Parliament to abolish monarchy with a two-thirds majority if the King is found to be conspiring against the Constituent Assembly (CA) election, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala has once again tried to save the monarchy in Nepal.

While talking to foreign journalists at his official residence in Baluwatar on Sunday, Koirala said that monarchy could be retained if King Gyanendra and Crown Prince Paras abdicate the throne before the upcoming CA polls scheduled in November.

However, Nepali Congress president Koirala said, "If King Gyanendra and his son do not give up the throne before the election the upcoming CA polls will mark an end of Nepal's monarchy," Kantipur Television, a private television channel, reported.

Koirala also added that it was up to the King whether to continue with monarchy in the country or not.

by FarEasterner on Mon Jun 18th, 2007 at 11:08:02 AM EST
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