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[Focus] How to cut your own CO2 emissions without changing your life - EUobserver.com
EUOBSERVER / CLIMATE TECHNOLOGY - While new measures and commitments on fighting global warming are taken at the political level and while scientists and innovators are researching new technology to lower greenhouse gas emissions, Europeans as individuals also have an important role to play.

By changing our habits a little and becoming more conscious of how much energy we use, each and every individual can successfully limit their own carbon footprint and - as an extra bonus - save a little money on energy bills.

"It does not have to be a life altering change," says Karim Harris from Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe - a group that works to prevent climate change and promote sustainable energy and environment policy in Europe - "it's just a question of changing bad habits."

She added that it is clear that individuals also have a role to play, particularly in Europe where people have for decades been living well while emitting carbon dioxide without a thought.
by Fran on Mon Jun 18th, 2007 at 12:33:30 AM EST
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