Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Seconded.  My half a quarter of one intercent's worth is...something Jerome mentioned a while back, to do with non-tangible items (non-resource-extracting items?) becoming a larger part of the economy--to the benefit of the planet.  It ties in with Migeru's comments (if I've understood them at all) with regard to Keynes: that you could bury money in bottles, get people to dig it up and: voila!  An economy.

So all "non resource destroying" activities, such as massage, teaching, or writing articles to the net, can create a self-supporting market, fed at the edges by (sustainable) resource producers, so the writer is paid by the musician who is paid by the farmer who is paid by the writer...that kind of thing.

Or, if our default position is: If you don't want to do it, you don't have to (which is fine for voluntary associations), then when it comes to earning money, we'll all head to the resource-extracting part of the economy.  I suppose we could say, "Anyone can give you a massage if they want"...no, I don't mean that in a sarky way, I mean something bigger: That if "we" (us progressive types) invest in what we think of as quality production, then there will be more quality production money around for us to...use as an alternative to resource depleting money..

So, in a hypothetical, I enjoy your writings to the point where I'm willing to directly pay my ten cents or euros.  However you think I write a pile of disjointed nonsense and prefer the keen wit and cool analysis of Migeru, who in turn favours the writings of That Brit Guy, who is a fan of LEP, who likes whataboutbob, who likes melo...

...and slowly an economy developeth?  There's something about not wanting to pay for things...that...I dunno...someone else can say this more clearly perhaps?

Don't fight forces, use them R. Buckminster Fuller.

by rg (leopold dot lepster at google mail dot com) on Wed Jun 27th, 2007 at 11:25:21 AM EST
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