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BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Tests begin on Canaries telescope
Tests have begun on one of the world's largest optical telescopes, installed on a mountain in the Canary Islands.

Situated on a 2,400m-high (7,900ft) peak on the island of La Palma, the huge telescope consists of a mirror measuring 10.4m (34.1ft) in diameter.

The Spanish-led Great Canary Telescope (GTC) is extremely powerful and will be able to spot some of the faintest, most distant objects in the Universe.

The GTC team expect the telescope to be fully operational within 12 months.

Looking at the picture of the observatory, I must say this really a amazing feat. Many years ago we hiked up to that spot - it has an incredible view. But it is an deep ascend and the streets, at least at that time were very small.

by Fran on Sat Jul 14th, 2007 at 01:59:51 AM EST
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The observatory is one reason why there are no huge tourist centers and hotels allowed on La Palma. If I remember well it was first on Teneriffe, but with tourisme came smok and air pollution which hampered the view. So it was moved on to La Palma.
by Fran on Sat Jul 14th, 2007 at 02:02:05 AM EST
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good catch Fran.
by zoe on Sat Jul 14th, 2007 at 06:50:35 AM EST
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