Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
they are getting more flack - there is a very interesting article in Die Zeit
If I have the time I will translate, it contains some grat lines.

Insekten haben mit dem Menschen gemeinsam, dass sie Mobilität mit ihrer eigenen Körperenergie bewältigen. Der Autofahrer muss das nicht. Und es gibt keine Insekten, die aus Bequemlichkeit den Lebensraum ihrer Nachkommen zerstören oder sich so schnell bewegen, dass sie sich dabei selbst töten.

Insects share with humans that their mobility is driven by their own body energy. The car driver does not have to do that. There are no insects, which destroy out of comfort the habitat of their descendants or move so fast move that they kill themselves in the process.

or even better:

Der Mensch legt die größeren Entfernungen zurück, um dieselben Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen wie zuvor. Er macht dasselbe wie früher, nur fährt er dafür weiter..

Humans travel larger distances, but only satisfy the same needs as before. We do the same as in earlier times, but we travel further for it.

by PeWi on Thu Sep 13th, 2007 at 07:36:47 AM EST
ups wrong article as source - here is the propper one

however the article I link to is worth reading as well, since it is actually more on topic, than my post...

by PeWi on Thu Sep 13th, 2007 at 08:16:37 AM EST
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