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Malinovski's Trobrian islanders seemed to use a gift / traditional repartition method wherein they had to give the food they cultivated to their step family.

Gift economies don't mean the gifts aren't the result of work.

Also, workers in the traditional "firm" structure where their careers might not have depended on the literal productivity of their work but rather on its perceived value, can be described as behaving in a gift economy.

What is hard is making people clean the toilets, and other such thankless jobs, in a gift economy.

Maybe such tasks shouldn't be dissociated as jobs, but simply done by everyone...

Un roi sans divertissement est un homme plein de misères

by linca (antonin POINT lucas AROBASE gmail.com) on Fri Sep 28th, 2007 at 07:42:30 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Very well put.

What is hard is making people clean the toilets, and other such thankless jobs, in a gift economy.


We have met the enemy, and it is us — Pogo

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Fri Sep 28th, 2007 at 07:48:59 AM EST
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