Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Hey, I clicked on the link, click click, and came across this...


So--okay, off I go--I anticipate huge gains for the greens, because I've always been a bit of a 20% person,  you know: 20% roughly get it like I do, and so I'm in a minority.  So:




Lib Dems!  (I'm thinking England--(:

(That's me trying out one of those new smileys (o"

So now, if I go Pirate...but hold on...

Lib Dems?



Pirate Party!

The range is so wide, it's hard to know where to start, and is a party even necessary?

A party is always necessary!  There should be a party every two weeks, and it should be called "You Survived The Last Two Weeks, Yay!" party, but not everyone is invited....

heh heh hay!

They're invited if they can find an invitation.

I think your approach (and your successes) re: file sharing are completely avant garde, fighting real fights in real time, to everyone's benefit (those who lose are those who can afford--and how--to lose a bit...maybe that's my fantasy)...

But...I'm not a techie, though I think you're great (here I only include the techies with the beating hearts...cough cough!  I mean, if you know that thirty thousand euros [give or take the monetary imabalances in your various economies] is better than fifteen thousand euros; and if you know that fifty thousand euros is...twenty thousand euros-worth of a world resource...


I think that for me to join the Pirates is for the pirates to be very generous with their time and their brain power, and so far (Firefox Thunderbird Google Spybot Open Office)

Okay, a serious question.

I see google everywhere in these free applications.  No money down, no money later, but a subtle sign saying, "Google"

I've convinced myself that Google finance wikipedia and  their cahootsiness is why you can type in about any noun ("mountain" "iron" "Iraq" "Money" "Sex" "Seed") and the first (or second or third) page is...the wikipedia article.

I'm sure that can't be because it's the most wanted or the most linked, but it might be because it's the most read...but that's because it comes up first.

So...I'm an ignoramus.  Is Google (Evil!  They made their deal with China) doing good things?  Is there a plan, or is it...give it away, make sure it's good, watch the positive energy flow...?

Ach aye!

Splice the main brace!

Too strange...for words...

Don't fight forces, use them R. Buckminster Fuller.

by rg (leopold dot lepster at google mail dot com) on Thu Sep 20th, 2007 at 07:19:08 PM EST
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