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With cheap energy slowly being eliminated as a given ongoing and future scientific and technological investigations will not assume cheap energy

I may have this all backwards, but I think it is the abundance of cheap energy that is due to disappear.  Locally, if you have access to a wind or wave turbine, or the latest solar energy collector, your energy is coming close to "not very expensive at all", but maybe it just can't scale up to our current usage.  So selling objects (mass production for large markets) may become more scarce, and the objects longer lived, but it may be that locally energy will be part of the social contract (population helps install, maintain, upgrade etc.--paid through some form of area "tax", which might mean everyone having to help out, or offer some kind of new money into a pot) rather than, as now, an individual payment for X energy....only better expressed.

Don't fight forces, use them R. Buckminster Fuller.

by rg (leopold dot lepster at google mail dot com) on Sun Sep 23rd, 2007 at 01:47:02 PM EST
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