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However, looking at the percentages and the sizes of the counties, we see that the largest county, Hillsborough, shows a very large near reversal of the percentages. Therefore, EDA has suggested that fraud might have tafen place only in Hillsborough.
Comments on that. The behaviour of the 10 counties is all over the place. Grafton went for Obama more strongly on machine-counted precincts than it dit on hand-counted precincts. Clinton won Coos more strongly on machine than on hand-counted precincts. In Stafford, both of them gote a higher vote share on machines than they did on hand counts.and so on. Now, given that the behaviour of the 10 counties is all over the place, the requirements for statistical significance for having a single county with a reversal are multiplied by 10. That is, the reversal needs to be very much closer to exact than otherwise. Especially because Hillsborough has been identified from looking at the the data. When you test a hypothesis formulated after looking at the data, the requirements for accepting it are stronger. I suppose the next step here is to do the same plot by municipality/ward within Hillsborough county. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
But this suggests repeting the calculation at the ward/municipality level, where there are 300 pairs and the statistical test will be much sharper. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
So, I did a similar ward-level chart for Hillsborough county. Is there anything in it that jumps out at you?
We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
I read the above two charts as saying in chart 1) that clinton's lead is positively correlated both with ward size and count method (machine).
Flipping count method virtually eliminates any correlation between Clinton's lead and ward size.
Ergo - Clinton's lead is actually correlated with ward size, but because that also correlates with count method, it has been confused with the correlation with count method.
Therefore there is no count method fraud.
But why is there such a strong correlation between ward size and clintons's lead? Can it be explained by demographics, or is it easier to stuff (and hide the stuffing) of a ballot box with extra ballots in a larger ward?
However, for the correlation between Clinton's lead and count size to be so "smooth", the amount of stuffing would also have to be proportionate to ward size. Do we really think that a fraudster would be that resourceful and clever?
I vote demographic the more likely explanation, but which ones? Gender, education, income, race, class.....??? Do we have enough demographic data to come to a conclusion? Index of Frank's Diaries
Flipping count method virtually eliminates any correlation between Clinton's lead and ward size. Ergo - Clinton's lead is actually correlated with ward size, but because that also correlates with count method, it has been confused with the correlation with count method.
Above Below Total Black 3 11 14 Red 6 30 36 Total 9 41 50
Above Below Total Black 2.52 11.48 14 Red 6.48 29.52 36 Total 9 41 50
Above Below Total Black 0.09 0.02 0.11 Red 0.04 0.01 0.05 Total 0.13 0.03 0.16
Bottom chart shows clinton doing worse in predominantly Democratic wards - as one would not expect
therefore the vote switch hypothesis is not supported? Index of Frank's Diaries
Undeclared voters -- those not registered with any party -- can vote in either party primary....Additionally, as of 2002, 25.6% of New Hampshire residents are registered Democrats and 36.7% are Republicans, with 37.7% of New Hampshire voters registered as "undeclared" independents. This plurality of independents is a major reason why New Hampshire is considered a swing state in general U.S. presidential elections.
Wilcoxon rank sum test data: (Clinton..d - Obama..d)[machines] and (Obama..d - Clinton..d)[!machines] W = 234, p-value = 0.7086 alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.10751315 0.07106908 sample estimates: difference in location -0.0175131
data: (Clinton..d - Obama..d)[machines] and (Obama..d - Clinton..d)[!machines] W = 234, p-value = 0.7086 alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.10751315 0.07106908 sample estimates: difference in location -0.0175131
Wilcoxon rank sum test data: (Clinton..d - Obama..d)[machines] and (Clinton..d - Obama..d)[!machines] W = 422, p-value = 0.0001150 alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.1186801 0.2903706 sample estimates: difference in location 0.2027052
data: (Clinton..d - Obama..d)[machines] and (Clinton..d - Obama..d)[!machines] W = 422, p-value = 0.0001150 alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.1186801 0.2903706 sample estimates: difference in location 0.2027052
It doesn't tell us where the effect came from. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
80542 : total votes in Hillsborough
Adjust for the 7007 difference in the total vote tally - and they flip as well 112000 - 105000 ! And the undoctored handcount percentages - 39.3% for BO and 36.6% for HRC - reappear for the whole state!
Hillsborough has 3 handcounted precincts (Atrim, New Boston, Wilton) reported in the last yellow table, Appendix E of the Paired Precinct study.
Those 3 handcounted precincts have 30% for HRC and 42% for BO. It must be highly unlikely that Diebold precincts within the same county diametrically differ from handcounted precincts.
Hillsboroug as an urban area would tilt even more towards BO looking at demographics. Rural areas would be less black, less young and more conservative. A female bias in urban areas cannot be that pronounced to override this. Indeed BO's advance is even more pronounced in urban areas.
I bet that the recount will show that the Hillsborough county total was flipped.
One single operation performed by a remote hacker on the biggest county. Couldn't resist the Freudian temptation to leave a clue by taking on Hillsborough for Hillary.. A simple and workable method that could be started at the beginning of the poll evening. The tactic would survive a first hand recount check that the individual Diebold precincts were correctly reported to the total tally before the additions.
Not elaborate and subtle doctoring precinct by precinct which would have meant a bigger conspiracy, a considerably higher risk and an uncertain outcome. Creating votes out of thin air could probably be detected by uncorrelated turnout documented elsewhere. The flip can also be denied by to be the whim of a computer or a software. Unfortunately, the Hillsborough flip also flipped the statewise total ! Now, I can't imagine that the flipper would have the nerve to swap the candidates at the TOP LEVEL presentation after the additions, but why not ? Elling
However, that the result in the largest county is flipped is equally significant regardless of the number of counties. Unless, of course, you have formulated the hypothesis after looking at the data, in which case the bar rises again. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
Clinton Obama 112610 105007
Clinton Obama 31928 25525
Clinton Obama 106207 111410
Now , maybe the irregularitites extnds to wards outside Hillsborough. The table contains other 40-34 pairs seeminglynext to each other that are reversed from hand to Diebold.
Also, the exit polls estimated a double digit Obama win. So the fraudster may have have had to flip more than Hillsborough : Changing 40-34 for Obama into 39-36 for Clinton would rather mean flipping the WHOLE Diebold count. Is that feasible ? Elling
The total number of Democratic votes was 288055. The preliminary counts gave Clinton 39.1% to Obama's 36.5%. Flipping the Hillsborough machine counts gives Obama 38.7% to Clinton's 36.9%. This also looks like a near reversal, just because of the size of Hillsborough relative to the whole state.
It has been argued that the order of the candidates on the ballot can explain up to a 3% difference between pre-election polls and actual results. Going from 40:34 to 39:37 for Obama due to this ballot placement effect and then to 36:39 due to a Hillsborough flip is not so far-fetched. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
Who gets to design the ballots anyway ? Elling
Though I have read somewhere (no link, sorry) that it used to be that each precinct had a different randomly generated ordering so this effect was minimised, except that procedure wasn't used this time around. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
Yes, they are recounting the machine ballots in Hillsborough and Rockingham counties, I believe. We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo
Black Box Voting : 1-17-08: Ballot boxes found slit; NH stops putting ballots in vault;
No worries, say New Hampshire officials when cuts up to eight inches long are spotted in newly delivered ballot boxes. "The only seal that counts is the one on top." Except the seal on top can be peeled off without leaving a trace, then reaffixed. Black Box Voting has been doing a chain of custody exam for the New Hampshire Primary's recount. On Wednesday night, Election Defense Alliance's Sally Castleman mentioned a troubling observation: After following the ballots back to the ballot vault following Wednesday's recount, she had the opportunity to enter the ballot vault, and noticed what looked like cuts, or slits, in the side of many ballot boxes. New Hampshire officials assured us that these cuts, which slice through the tape and seals do not permit access to the uncounted ballots, pointing to a label on the boxtop which they call a seal.
I confirmed this morning that many if not most of the boxes scheduled to be counted today had slits in them. I went out when a vanload of ballots arrived, and saw that they were slit at the time they arrived by van. Susan Pynchon and I drove to two nearby towns and watched as they handed over their ballot boxes to "Butch and Hoppy", the two men who drive around in the state in a van picking the ballots up. We observed as they loaded boxes of ballots into the van with no slits at all in them. We videotaped each of these up close. They arrived at the destination without slits. The label on the top was affixed, but in some cases was crumpled, or also damaged.
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