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It is not realistic to think that the world will believe in someone from Luxembourg at this level

I don't understand your point. Plus, as far as I can tell, Junker would make a most honorable head for the EU.

That Sarkozy even thinks of pushing a war criminal candidacy to the EU presidency tells a lot about the man. Two sinister characters.

by balbuz on Sat Jan 19th, 2008 at 08:46:12 AM EST
Balbuz, As I've mentioned in the post, I believe all of them are qualified to head the EU. And I don't doubt that Mr Junker is an honourable man.

This is all about world power 'play'. Europe needs a ceremonial head who could "command" attention on the that stage, one who could obtain maximum return for Europe -- today's politics unfortunately requires it. In my opinion, Mr Junker is unknown on the world stage.

But not to worry -- he is now making a name for himself thanks in part to Tony Blair's 'candidacy'. He'll just have to follow it up.

by The3rdColumn on Sat Jan 19th, 2008 at 11:13:41 AM EST
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