Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

One last thing: Re "Which reminds me, the EU should cut itself independent from the US, because an alliance with it in its current state is not only a practical and moral bad decision, but no alliance really: more vassaldom. "

Aren't you missing the key point?

This is the last thing any wants to happen. All very well to want to cut the EU loose for the US but like it or not the US is the biggest economy in the world and the motor for innovation and growth. We may not like some things about them, but cutting ourselves off would be cutting off our nose to spite our face. They are our biggest and strongest ally. Any national leader worth his salt in the EU will recognize this fact.

by The3rdColumn on Thu Jan 24th, 2008 at 08:30:28 AM EST
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