Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
On the amphibious assault vessels, I think its more on the range of 500 "passengers" ... a lot of their increased size compared to an ordinary landing dock is for the helicopter and and jump jet support.

And in that case you´d probably need amphibious ships. Because these are the ships capable of transporting and landing soldiers and their equipment. And keep them supplied without a supply base on land.

The question is whether you need the ability to make a Marine Soldier amphibious assault ... there are cheaper amphibious landing docks.

I've been accused of being a Marxist, yet while Harpo's my favourite, it's Groucho I'm always quoting. Odd, that.

by BruceMcF (agila61 at netscape dot net) on Wed Oct 15th, 2008 at 03:03:21 PM EST
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