Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I was watching a spokesperson from this particular group of propagandists on the BBC News channel yesterday. There message seemed could be distilled into three components:

  1. Interest rate cuts
  2. Tax Cuts - they did not specify for whom these tax cuts should be you can guess (I would guess that if we got the targets of these tax cuts wrong they would should "welfare" at the top of their lungs).
  3. If you must spend money then you should give the money to the private sector (give us your money). The usual bullshytt were given = governments can't spend money properly, we can - blah, blah, blah, blah).

The BBC guy gave him a hard time but an opposing view was not to be found. My guess is that this has less to do with the BBC's (or any other 24 hour news organisation) willingness to book somebody but that other orgs do not put people up to talk.  

Snippets of this interview were repeated constantly throughout the day.

Howard Dean said the first thing Democrats needed to do was turn up. He was right.

Money is a sign of Poverty - Culture Saying

by RogueTrooper on Tue Oct 28th, 2008 at 12:01:55 PM EST
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