Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
The right-wing tendencies of the British blogosphere are rather depressingly evident on this issue also.

1) There's a strong concentration on technicalities at the expense of the political message being pushed.

- For example a lot of concentration on the technical notions that a cut in low earner tax (e.g. a NI holiday) would feed into the economy quicker than infrastructure:

- No mention of the role of infrastructure contracts in slowing the collapse of construction employment.

- No mention that infrastructure spending provides more stimulus than tax cuts.

- No mention that in a highly indebted environment, low end tax cuts are as vulnerable as other money supply measures to "pushing on a string" problems.

2) Most of all however, no mention, as you note that they wouldn't actually be proposing a tax cut for the low end, let alone a tax cut for the low end only.

3) The allocative efficiency argument is so depressing, as we face a crisis built up out of the misallocation of resources by the market over a long period.

by Metatone (metatone [a|t] gmail (dot) com) on Tue Oct 28th, 2008 at 12:13:15 PM EST
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>The right-wing tendencies of the British blogosphere
There too?!  I am going to have to let my subscription to the Economist lapse.  I can no longer bring myself to read very much of it.  Obviously outrageous tendentious misrepresentations in too many articles.  In the rare instances where a Serious Person makes a sensible suggestion that has unfortunate consequences for the backers of their ideology, they will sieze upon some possible misinterpretation or manufacture some silly claim to which they then respond.  I see enough of that from the McCain Campaign.  The money spent on this subscription would buy us better quality toilet paper for a year.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Tue Oct 28th, 2008 at 02:53:45 PM EST
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