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Nato officers rent villa owned by Naples Mafia boss Antonio Iovine - Times Online

American Nato officers have been renting a villa near Naples for years that belongs, indirectly, to Antonio Iovine, a clan chieftain of the Camorra, the Neapolitan Mafia.

Mr Iovine, 44, nicknamed "o'ninno" -- the baby -- because of his small stature, is wanted for murder and other crimes, and is listed among the 30 most dangerous criminals in Italy. He has been on the run for 12 years.

According to an investigation that was published in Corriere della Sera yesterday the villa of Mr Iovine may be only the tip of an iceberg. Italian police sources suggested that there were scores of similar cases in the Naples area of Nato service personnel living in houses that were owned by the Camorra. There are several Nato facilities in the area, notably a US telecommunications centre in Bagnoli and the US Air Force base at Capodichino.

"It's ludicrous, isn't it? The coffers of Nato, to which Italy also contributes, are helping to fill the coffers of the Camorra," Franco Roberti, the co-ordinator of the local anti-Mafia bureau, said.

[Murdoch Alert]
by Fran on Mon Oct 27th, 2008 at 03:41:28 PM EST
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