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by Fran on Mon Oct 27th, 2008 at 03:29:02 PM EST
Make-under for glitzy French TV news anchor Laurence Ferrari - Times Online

Laurence Ferrari was hailed as the most glamorous presenter when she took over as anchor on the main French evening news this summer -- an observation that has proved to be her undoing.

Her blonde hair, glossy lipstick and youthful smile were blamed for driving away viewers, particularly the over-60s, forcing the TF1 channel to order an overhaul of her look in an attempt to halt a drop in ratings.

Ferrari was told to change her haircut, make-up and clothes to appear less sexy and closer to her age -- 42. Her tight white jumpers have been replaced by dark waistcoats; her hair now hangs soberly over her ears, her lipstick is softer and lines can be seen around her eyes and mouth.

Supporters of Ferrari said that she was a victim of prejudice against blondes and that she had given the news a more serious tone. Her glitzy image was an obstacle to her efforts to move the programme upmarket, however. Le Point, a weekly news magazine, said that TF1 executives had now decided that "Laurence Ferrari must become older, be transformed from the glamorous, young newcomer into a well-behaved, upper-class woman".

[Murdoch Alert]
by Fran on Mon Oct 27th, 2008 at 03:31:08 PM EST
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