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A rather calm revolution would be to diminish (or ignore) the value of existing financial assets, favours and obligations. That would eventually lead to alternative money...

Say, I am selling great pizzas, you are selling good shoes. We would gladly exchange the goods (with or without much mediation of money). But we are both in deep mortgage debt, and we cannot afford to buy each other's goods. Not only we can't buy or do much, we can't service a large portion of people just like us as well. Only those with good equity balance can buy at our shops - we are all doing best to service them. In effect, exclusively them. That's the barrier of money. It's very good to be on the wealthy side. If we would barter our goods, then... dunno... that would probably be very unfair to hard-working financial experts as we would get the same quality goods as only their money could buy. Escaping their network of rent and interest payment would be revolutionary indeed; wouldn't they have an excuse for forceful reaction?

by das monde on Tue Oct 28th, 2008 at 06:03:07 AM EST
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