Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

Did the latest proposal for a wind farm in that County get approved? I heard there were some fearsome headwinds on one of the proposals, and that in spite of no apparent violation of "The Starbucks Rule". That rule, for those not acquainted, if that putting a wind farm within 7 miles of a Starbucks will likely incur the wrath of some scurrilous Starbucks patrons (= Yuppies with Trophy Homes) who hate the idea of seeing THEIR view altered with electricity generating devices. And even though the Starbucks rule is a big hurdle to overcome, it beats the Vermont Conundrum. In Vermont, the "Green Mountain State", wind turbine siting is a bloodsport, like hockey on 'roids and various combinations of large amounts of legal and/or illegal stimulants. The right to New York State produced really cheap renewable electricity (St Lawrence River and Niagara River) in Vermont (while most people in NY State can't touch that stuff), and the right to have hills unadorned with wind turbines, still reigns supreme.

Anyway, seeing them turn in the breeze is fine by most people, and the more who get used to them/familiar to them, the less the opposition to them becomes. It's fine by me...I just wish it was easier to vote with my dollars spent for electricity. Sign me up for a co-op....


by nb41 on Tue Nov 11th, 2008 at 03:25:19 PM EST
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to my county - Skamania. We are in the midst of a fight concerning zoning, which is largely precipitated by, and focused on, a potential wind farm. It is very definitely a NIMBY problem, but the chief opponents are relatively thoughtful folks, who are asking primarily for a larger set-back.

The potential developer seems to be somewhat tentative, too. I think that they would be glad to see zoning that makes the permit process relatively free of public input, but I don't think that they will actually invest in the present market.

You may know that I live in the Columbia River Gorge, which is actually one of the highest-rated regions of the U.S. for wind-power. Much of our neighboring county, Klickitat, has about a 6 rating on the 7-point scale that the feds use, as it serves as part of an eastern funnel for the Gorge winds. Their main advantage is that the local economy is agricultural, and the farmers are grateful for the steady rental income and the cheap electricity.

paul spencer

by paul spencer (paulgspencer@gmail.com) on Tue Nov 11th, 2008 at 11:20:01 PM EST
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