Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
PUD put together an LLC with 2 other PUDs to finance, install, and run wind turbine farms in Klickitat County.

I will write a diary about the details this Winter, but the basic advantages for the district are: 1) control of the resource (and pricing) and 2) full property taxes for the county itself. As to the second part - if the PUD owned the resources directly, the formula for publicly-owned property reduces the tax rate very substantially. Because the LLC owns the turbines, property taxes are set at the standard rate. Klickitat County will soon have $2 billion in assessed value - which is huge in a strictly rural county.

paul spencer

by paul spencer (paulgspencer@gmail.com) on Mon Nov 10th, 2008 at 05:36:11 PM EST

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