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The top photo is quite mysterious and foreboding.

Hey, Grandma Moses started late!
by LEP on Fri Feb 1st, 2008 at 03:50:29 AM EST
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Yes, but the color one is almost an abstract...!

"What can I do, What can I write, Against the fall of Night". A.E. Housman
by margouillat (hemidactylus(dot)frenatus(at)wanadoo(dot)fr) on Fri Feb 1st, 2008 at 06:49:19 AM EST
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Yes, I really love that photo and it was entirely accidental. It gives this feeling of being sleepy and blinking into the sun so that your eyelashes cause the light to diffract and blur.
by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Fri Feb 1st, 2008 at 09:00:17 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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