Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Eh, eh... The usual flat of those times would have burned as quickly (maybe more) because of so many things in so small a space (not to speak of vodka, the local coin of the realm)!
The complete house (equipped) was about twenty thousand francs of that time... Quite a lot for the citizens of Leningrad!

Many negotiated with oversea firms they were working for... And many were crying when they had it, because it was the first time they owned a house (not the land)!

Quite an experience !

"What can I do, What can I write, Against the fall of Night". A.E. Housman

by margouillat (hemidactylus(dot)frenatus(at)wanadoo(dot)fr) on Fri Feb 1st, 2008 at 04:59:00 PM EST
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