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With that kind of polling, I doubt you can ascribe the result to fear-mongering against the left party (the FDP's failure to get 5% also plays into that).

I was comparing polls in the last few weeks with the actual result, and I was more thinking of the media thematising the SPD itself ("Beck problem", "Wortbruch" and so forth) rather than the Left Party directly. Though, that doesn't explain the Left Party's failure to get as much as in the polls (especially given that it had those high figures even in all the post-Wegner-scandal polls, too).

That Naumann failed to make the argument for him, I don't dispute at all. Already those polls I compared to showed that.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Sun Feb 24th, 2008 at 03:31:05 PM EST
[ Parent ]
As a demonstration, look at the ZDF homepage: lin to an op-ed with the title SPD vor der Zerreißprobe ( = c. SPD in danger of tearing apart), and an article on SPD leader Beck's reactions, with some interesting passages:

Naumann sagte auf die Frage, ob die SPD-Linke-Debatte den Hamburger Sozialdemokraten geschadet habe: "Hilfreich war es sicher nicht." Die Diskussion über die entsprechenden Äußerungen von Beck sei "ein Schachspiel mit Gerüchten gewesen". Der einzige verbürgte Satz von Beck habe gelautet: "In Hessen wird geheim gewählt."[Leading Hamburg SPD candidate] Naumann said in response to the question whether the SPD-Left Party debate damaged the Social Democrats in Hamburg: "It was surely not helpful." The discussion about the comments in question by Beck were "a chess game with rumours". [According to Naumann,] the only on-record sentence by Beck was: "In Hessen, the elections are secret."

Guess which part was chosen as the section header.

At the end of the article, they refer to a poll of SPD members by Bild , the main rainbow press daily and The Sun equivalent (I won't link to the original source), with the IMO manipulatively chosen question of whether "working together" with the Left Party would be a "broken promise". I say of course it will be, but whether SPD members would support the policy is another question, and the only one quarter who thinks Beck should resign is an indication.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Sun Feb 24th, 2008 at 04:50:32 PM EST
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