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"Sarkozy is a problem because his Mediterranean Union [(MU)] seems to be outside the EU, and he hasn't even explained what he wants to do, or how."
When I heard of the phrase Mediterranean Union I thought even some kind of serious concurrence project to the EU. In a way this fitted together with something from Wolfgang Münchau I read, about Who is  Henri Guaino?, where it seemed that Sarko might not be too interested in the Euro.
In a double leading role in the EU and in a MU, France could play Germany and other countries in a way which would give France extra power. So Sarkozy could be interested in a real concurrence to the EU, just because of starving for power.

Der Amerikaner ist die Orchidee unter den Menschen
Volker Pispers
by Martin (weiser.mensch(at)googlemail.com) on Wed Feb 27th, 2008 at 05:33:59 PM EST
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comes from the sovereignist left (the Chevenement wing of the party: "republicain"), which is anti-Europe, nationalist, secular and statist. Its ideal is the 19th century militant teacher that brought education to all - and turned all into citizens, so not all its ideas are bad or even outdated, but it's hard to build Europe on them, because they are too French (for lack of a better word here, but I think it fits).

In the long run, we're all dead. John Maynard Keynes
by Jerome a Paris (etg@eurotrib.com) on Wed Feb 27th, 2008 at 06:13:42 PM EST
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In a double leading role in the EU and in a MU, France could play Germany and other countries in a way which would give France extra power. So Sarkozy could be interested in a real concurrence to the EU, just because of starving for power.

In a way the expansion from the EU12 to the EU27 has increased the influence of Germany to the detriment of France, so it makes sense that France would try to build a counterweight by creating a sphere of influence extending to the South.

That doesn't mean that the "Union of the Mediterranean" (as it appears Sarkozy, Zapatero and Prodi agreed to call it in July last year) has to be separate from the EU. That's what people are afraid Sarkozy wants, but it is not what Zapatero seemed to have in mind.

Then again, if a cooperation area is built around the Mediterranean basin, I don't see why Germany needs to be involved. It is not itching to get into the Black Sea Synergy: in that case just the Commission oversight seems to be enough, why would it not be enough in the case of the Mediterranean?

We have met the enemy, and he is us — Pogo

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Wed Feb 27th, 2008 at 06:27:34 PM EST
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Comission oversight would be perfectly fine. The details matter and if the details are not presented and wording is used as is used, confusion can be the result, especially when anyhow irritated by this Guaino, and in time when a new European treaty is in the ratification process.
The plans maybe OK, but the presentation and the wording had quite some disturbing potential.

Der Amerikaner ist die Orchidee unter den Menschen
Volker Pispers
by Martin (weiser.mensch(at)googlemail.com) on Wed Feb 27th, 2008 at 06:51:40 PM EST
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