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That was a long time ago.

And that one actually resulted in real effects on the guilty, and on the side of the financial industry it mainly had to do with incompetence and inexperience (no one knew what a credit loss was, ot exaggerate it a bit), not calculated greedy malice and class war.

In the end, the banks were nationalized, the old soc dems (who were responsible to a large degree) were thrown out, the right screwed around a bit and lost lots of money on defending the fixed currency rate, new soc dems were brought in and the minister of finance was so succesful that he ended up being prime minister for pretty much forever.

He even gave us back the milk. Eventually.

Peak oil is not an energy crisis. It is a liquid fuel crisis.

by Starvid on Wed Mar 19th, 2008 at 06:21:54 AM EST
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