Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Don Quixote meets Wall Street - financing wind farms
Energy - some good news (for once)
The future of power generation
Wind power: birds, landscapes and availability (I)
My detailed dissection of Robert F. Kennedy Jr 's misguided Op-Ed on Nantucket Wind in the NYT (original title: Robert F. Kennedy Jr is a lying, deceitful, pathetic NIMBY SELL OUT)
Something to take your mind off indictments: Windfarm blogging
Wind power now CHEAPER for US retail consumers
USA to become world leader in wind power in 2005
2005 was a great year for wind power worldwide
Alternative energies: wind power
wind power: debunking the critics
Wind farm kills eagles in 'large numbers'
My job
No technical limitation to wind power penetration
Wind power: some lessons from 2006
5MW with location picture (by PeWi)
Solar Photovoltaic vs Wind (by Laurent Guerby)
GE CEO: nuclear uncompetitive against wind without subsidies
Offshore wind blogging
2007: record year for US wind industry
Wind exajoules

Recent related diaries on energy policy
Competition is a policy, not an objective
Experts disagree on market liberalisation
Will the next German election be a referendum on nuclear energy?
EU Energy inconsistencies and lies
So is energy strategic or not?
Markets are just magic
Even CATO libertarians say energy deregulation does not work
Energy: the fundamental unseriousness of Gordon Brown
The markets will provide (subject to the weather)
UK govt does not like some market prices

In the long run, we're all dead. John Maynard Keynes

by Jerome a Paris (etg@eurotrib.com) on Sun Mar 2nd, 2008 at 12:27:14 PM EST
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