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No, no, no.

Not under normal conditions for a CC plant. Either you kill the plant and you pay the bill later in maintenance or you spew pollution in huge amounts by using abnormal mix or PC to speed up the approach to temperature.

And there's no time scale on Siemens pretty chart...

The best GE can do with a CC plant is a ramp-up to 100% in 90 minutes on a hot start after 8 hours shutdown.

Siemens must be endowed with some unknown form of genius. What they propose is really outside of the norm and they state a 20 years expected life time on their systems. I'm curious to see in what shape their Benson boiler will be after 7,000 fast ramps.

I'll believe Siemens in four or five years when there is a little bit of experience on those types of procedures.

Those babies run at 250 bars and 600°C. They were all the rage in the late 50s, early 60s when they were first introduced and then they started to spring cracks everywhere due to static stress and temperature cycling and a lot of plants switched back to subcritical boilers with the traditional drum and superheater. The technology has clawed its way back and is now the norm in new coal and CC plants and is really efficient. But the industry has learned to be very gentle with supercritical boilers. Not your average cooking pot.

by Francois in Paris on Tue Mar 4th, 2008 at 08:03:09 PM EST
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