Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Brilliant, nourishing thinking, melo. Reading it felt like having an exceptionllay satisfying meal and wanting to try out the recipe.

You've identified so many disparate issues and brought them together so clearly and simply, truly a tour de force.

A standing ovation for your analysis is all I can contribute to this topic for the moment. The world of finance and its language is one that is an almost impenetrable mystery to me. I suppose I could, given an incentive, make an effort to learn it. Your take on the subject of money is precisely the kind of thing I need to shed some light on the subject.


by Augustinatalie (endapressNOTblueyonderNOTcoNOTuk) on Thu Apr 17th, 2008 at 01:01:16 PM EST

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