Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
yup, i love words, and english is my first language. thanks for the compliment, frank, i appreciate it from such a fine writer as yourself, as i read here and elsewhere, i aspire to add more substance to my screeds, as i come very late in life to the political table, till then... i practice...and read some more.

Frank Schnittger:

But if we fetishise money, and idolise the rich which have it, why the political aversion to using the state as a mechanism for re-distribution, or even allowing the taxpayer a fair return on the risks the state takes with his money - as in bailing out the bankers. Why the myth that all profits are private, when enterprise is only possible within the security and legal space provided by the state at taxpayers expense?

why indeed? it's a rigged game, just on a larger scale than we have ever known.

many have felt this for years on a gut level, perhaps these recent events will lead to a definitive  restructuring, one can hope...

take the drug of conspicuous consumption away, and what's left?

we're about to find out, i'm hoping it will lead to greater political consciousness, demanding leaders pointing the way to a different way of life, with much more than just rhetoric for buttress.

till then, i read and rant along with the rest, trying to analyse from the dregs of an emptying teacup what kind of future we can encourage, that will be both fairer and more sustainable for the planet.

the best ideas have always bubbled up from the bottom, i take some faith from that, maybe one day...  

'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty

by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Thu Mar 20th, 2008 at 10:07:57 AM EST
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