Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
One evening, I found myself at the Bulgarian debutantes' ball in NY. Don't ask.
So I started a political discussion (waltz dancing is nice, I liked my girlfriend at the time and all, but it's not quite my thing) about the electoral and its effect on people realizing that they didn't really have a straightforward one person-one vote electoral system.

And this guy proceeded to explain to me that purchasing power varied from location to location, and as you carried your vote from  NY to NJ there was really no reason to expect it to carry the same weight.

Anytime I hear about one person one vote, I can't help but to think about this discussion and the utter lack of respect that some people have for the res publica .

Welcome to the age of experts...

Rien n'est gratuit en ce bas monde. Tout s'expie, le bien comme le mal, se paie tot ou tard. Le bien c'est beaucoup plus cher, forcement. Celine

by UnEstranAvecVueSurMer (holopherne ahem gmail) on Wed Mar 26th, 2008 at 10:45:34 AM EST
the electoral college...

Rien n'est gratuit en ce bas monde. Tout s'expie, le bien comme le mal, se paie tot ou tard. Le bien c'est beaucoup plus cher, forcement. Celine
by UnEstranAvecVueSurMer (holopherne ahem gmail) on Wed Mar 26th, 2008 at 10:45:58 AM EST
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I must confess to some surprise and not a little incredulity at the ability to thoughtlessly discard by the People, for the People, of the People and replace it with nonsensical economic analogies.

Maybe I'm just not cynical enough, but it strikes me as being about as meaningful as saying that since some molecules have a higher free energy than others, we should expect some people to have greater freedoms than others...

- Jake

Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate.

by JakeS (JangoSierra 'at' gmail 'dot' com) on Wed Mar 26th, 2008 at 03:39:21 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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