Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Jerome a Paris:
Now the people that could renew that spirit work for banks - because they're the places with money, prestige and power. Is that a good thing? Is it an irreversible one?

It will happen if the pay, prospects, and prestige are better because we have lost the idealism associated with the post war project of rebuilding Europe as not just a similar collection of states to that we had before the war, but as something qualitatively different - with a strong supranational dimension, a strong social and welfare state dimension, and a strong commitment to providing an integrated economic infrastructure which can enable the private sector to flourish.

Now that idealism and endeavour, that ambition and infrastructure, must become EU and worldwide and much bolder and more ambition to transcend the "greed is good" philosophies of the Chicago school.  

We're on the same side of this debate -I'm just trying to goad you into being much more positive and offensive in your approach - instead of always playing defense against the idiocies of the neo-libs. THAT'S TOO EASY FOR YOU NOW. Populations and movements are inspired not by withering critiques of what is, but by dynamic visions of what can be.  The EU is one such exemplar, the UN, International court of Justice are others.

We need to be much bolder in confronting our leaders with the idiocies of the current conventional wisdom.  Bush/Chaney/Blair should be indicted before the courts.  Rendition flights stopped.  Sanctions applied for human rights violations whether in Gitmo or Tibet.  Mugabe ousted by UN intervention if necessary.  MBeki challenged for his complicity.  The UK told it can't join the Euro until it gets its financial services sector in order.  

In short we have to make the EU/Euro such a success that the Anglo disease will be obvious for all to see.  But we also have to tackle the idiocies of the public sector in many countries which will prevent popular acceptance of that model ever becoming more universal.    This requires that we articulate a new model of management efficiency and accountability for that sector - yes, built on the successes to date - but also learning from the failures.  Otherwise Berlusconi will keep on coming back.....

"It's a mystery to me - the game commences, For the usual fee - plus expenses, Confidential information - it's in my diary..."

by Frank Schnittger (mail Frankschnittger at hot male dotty communists) on Mon Apr 14th, 2008 at 11:37:32 AM EST
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