Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
RR. If you want people to engage in a discussion, it is best not to start off by insulting them. Any comments of yours which refer to the poster, their style, mindset or attitude don't deserve a reply. Ad hominem arguments don't win the battle of ideas. I've made an exception this time, since you seem not to have been around much and perhaps you've forgotten.

Also just because a person has opinions doesn't mean that one is obligated to discuss them. I don't debate flat earthers, no matter how sure of their beliefs they are.

Don't worry about me Robert. I was just trying to give some advice to you since it seems that you wanted more response to your diary. Actually if you notice I also give compliments as easily.

As far as your well designed and enumerated flow diagrams, this does not address the questions I had in my post above.

I guess maybe I should respond to your points with my own Utopian flow diagram:

  1. Planes need to be serviced regularly.
  2. Servicing is important for maintaining fuel efficiency and the general safety of the planes.
  3. Customers will decide to purchase flights from Airlines that provide not only the services they want but also safety features.
  4. Independent businesses will evaluate the safety records of the airlines to show which provides the best overall safety for the dollars spent. This independence is more independent than a government organization that can be politicized since its record is also on the line.
  5. Insurance companies will evaluate risks based on these independent reports as well as their inspections of repair logs. Thus they will encourage the most cost effective solutions for solving safety issues.
  6. All parties have a self serving interest to maintain high levels of safety without pricing the services out of range of normal people to afford.
  7. Thus the firms that are able to provide the best services at the highest value win in the market and those that can't should change or move their resources into something they are better at.

Again, regulation for regulation sake is neither efficient or actually help consumers. I hope you think about the following statement:
Good regulations promotes market efficiency and Bad regulations destroys markets.

Rutherfordian ------------------------------ RDRutherford
by Ronald Rutherford (rdrradio1 -at- msn -dot- com) on Tue Apr 15th, 2008 at 01:31:33 AM EST
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